
A development
which prioritises

An environmentally
and socially sustainable
development for

"…by so laying out a Garden City that, as it grows, the free gifts of nature, fresh air, sunlight, breathing room and playing room - shall be still retained in all needed abundance"

Ebenezer Howard

Sustainability is a core Garden City principle and MTVH will deliver homes and a way of life that is both environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.


- We will aim to use locally sourced materials where practical

- We will specify durable, hard-wearing, long-lasting materials to maximise the longevity of the development

- We will require our contractors to produce a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) to ensure that we reduce waste and divert as much from the landfill as possible


- The development will be designed using Passivhaus principles and a fabric first approach which aims to maximise energy performance

- The development will utilise renewable solar energy and a local district heating network to reduce carbon emissions

- The proposed scheme will exceed the 10% carbon reduction target that is required by the local authority, and will achieve a more than 30% reduction in overall carbon emissions vs Building Regulations

Green Transport

- We will provide new cycle and pedestrian routes throughout the development’s public open spaces and wider connections between the town centre, Peartree residential area and residential to the south to encourage sustainable forms of travel

- The site’s strategic location opposite the Welwyn Garden City railway station and bus station provides sustainable transport connections for new residents

- We will provide a Car Club as part of the development to encourage a shift away from private car use

- A minimum of 630 cycle parking spaces

Surface Water Management

- We will implement a fully integrated water management and SuDS strategy

- We will use green and brown roofs on buildings within the development to infiltrate, store and control the run off of rainwater whilst assisting in urban cooling

- We will re-use water captured from the roofs for irrigation and grey water recycling across the scheme


- The existing site has limited biodiversity, we will greatly improve this through new habitat creation and ecological enhancement measures

- We will use green and brown roofs and green ‘living walls’ to provide additional ecological benefit across the site


- The development will deliver an estimated £11 million annual expenditure to be retained in the local economy in addition to additional local taxation to fund services

- The development will create an estimated 245 full time equivalent jobs during the construction phase


- We will regenerate a neglected and derelict space within the heart of the town, breathing new life into Welwyn Garden City and improving the wellbeing of its residents

- We will deliver a ‘Community’ focused development providing a range of outdoor facilities including a range of allotment beds on roof terraces, play spaces and urban spaces for community focused events. The play areas will provide opportunities for young people to exercise in a fun setting, promoting healthy living